Tip of the Iceberg?

iceberg5-200x300pxFound an iceberg graphic I made once. The surface water and the sky were taken from two separate photos I took in Florida in the summer time. I’m using it here because The Torc of Tethera got its first Amazon review yesterday and I am, ahem, hoping this is just the tip of the iceberg. Among many other nice things, perhaps the most heart-warming to a new author is, “Really enjoyed this book, read it on unlimited and liked it enough to also purchase it as I think I’ll be reading it again.” They also went on to say that it was better than the first in the series (which isn’t doing badly at all). I thought this was significant because, while I was (and am) happy with what readers have to say of The Forged Prince, as soon as I finished The Torc of Tethera I felt it was a better book and this was the same feedback I got from my alpha and beta readers. Really puts the pressure on me for The Queen of Deception!

The Forged Prince for Free this Weekend

My canny marketing director finally convinced my pinch-penny Scotsman soul that, with The Torc of Tethera now published, it was time to use the maximum time for the free promotion that Amazon allows me (5 days) and make The Forged Prince available without cost (3/10/2016 to 3/14/2016) . Response has been amazing, especially considering I didn’t plan any way to notify people of it in advance. As of this morning I’ve actually given away more copies (Arggh, the pain! My precious!) than I have sold. Correspondingly, in the two categories that Amazon allows me (Epic Fantasy and Historical Fantasy) The Forged Prince is now sitting at number 13 and number 2, respectively, in Amazon’s Top 100 List for Free Books. And I have four more days to go? Heck, I suddenly find I’m competitive enough that if I’m not getting paid I want number 1 in both!

The Torc of Tethera is Up

And we are now live with the ebook edition of The Torc of Tethera (Book Two of the Chronicles of Tethera). It’s a bit wilder ride than the first. Check it out if Welsh-myth-based-alternate-timeline-fantasy-adventure might work for you.

Paperback version should be up in a day or two if anyone still reads those, I noticed on my last book that the ebooks sold way, way better.
